Tuesday, July 31, 2012

National and Maryland Health Reform Teams for Obama

This invite is for two groups, a National Health Reform Team for Obama and a Maryland Health Reform Team for Obama. Please join one or both groups and spread the word.  These groups will share information on health reform, organize events, convince voters of the need to re-elect President Obama, and related activities.  See links for each team below.

From Herma Williams and Tony Hausner in consultation with Jason Waskey and Jon Randall.  Obama for America - Maryland

here is a link to the National Health Reform Team.

here is link to Maryland Health Reform Team 

public supports medicaid expansion and other articles


in this article public supports medicaid expansion

Romney praises Israel health care system


also cited in post article.  weird that he doesn't see that obamacare has similar features, which he opposes. 

3) from herndon alliance's daily email (recommend you join their mailing list)

Fact Sheet: “Women’s Preventive Services in the Affordable Care Act: What’s New as of August 1, 2012?” http://bit.ly/PvBem1

o   Insurance Rebates Seen as Selling Point for Health Law New York Times by Abby Goodnough – 

4) from kaiser health  news (recommend you join their mailing list)

Mass. Aims To Set First-In-Nation Health Care Spending Target 




Saturday, July 28, 2012

After Repealing Obamacare, What Would Romney Replace It With?


A businessweek writer provides a pretty good assessment of what romney will do to replace obamacare. Not much is spelled out.  Says a lot. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

obama dashboard tool, great organizational tool

Are you fired up? https://dashboard.barackobama.com/?r=thausner #Obama2012 very useful for organizing

Why are you trying to take away my insurance?


this is an important article that needs to spread widely

got this from the herndon alliance, great source for health reform news

kaiser health news is an extremely good source.


here is another great article in herndon email. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Affordable Care Act = $1.1 Billion for the 99%


rebates from insurance companies

Medicare Bests Private Coverage in Consumer Satisfaction, Access to Care


Commonwealth study:  Medicare beneficiaries over 65 are more satisfied with their health insurance, better access to care, and less paying medical bills than working-age adults.  Medicare fee for service does better than Medicare Advantage Plans

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

thanks, videos and photos from party

Many thanks to all who helped with party and phonebank last night, especially Herma, Jason, Vinny, Jon, Neeta, Harriet, Virginia, Andrew Kastner, Toba, SS Dems, Woman's Suburban Democratic Club, Young Dems, etc. We had a great turnout.

videos can be seen at http://tinyurl.com/bmsom9d

and photos at http://tinyurl.com/74o3p2w

Obamacare party Handout with revised summary, etc.

This package was put together for the Obamacare party on 7/17/12. It is an updated summary of the law and list of top sources. Videos and photos will be posted soon from the party and phonebank.
A Very Brief Summary of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (also known as Obamacare)

Starting in 2011,
·         Children could stay on their parents insurance plan until the age of 26.
·         Children could not be denied health insurance coverage.
·         Seniors had expanded preventive care 
·         Seniors who had Medicare prescription drug plans had reduced drug costs
·         Small businesses gained a 35% tax credit to cover employees

In 2014,
·        32 million will have health insurance who currently do not* (*very important)
·       Adults cannot be denied health insurance coverage.
·         Women no longer can be charged higher premiums than men nor dropped for pregnancy.
·         The only individuals who will pay a tax are those who refuse to buy health insurance but can afford to pay.  This reduces the costs for the rest of us.  This is like auto insurance.

By 2019, the prescription drug donut hole will be eliminated for Seniors.

The Following Myths are False
·         The Affordable Care is not a Federal government run program as it will expand access to private insurance.
·         The non partisan Congressional Budget Office says the Affordable Care Act will reduce the deficit.
·         There are no death panels, and the Federal government is not paying for any abortion services. 

For a more detailed summary, go to http://tinyurl.com/6thyqc3

List of my most useful Blogs
1)     Kaiser health reform quiz

2)      5 myths of the individual mandate Politico by JOANNE KENEN

4)      Medicare quiz

6)      Time Magazine summary of Supreme Court Decision

8)      Thanks obamacare   http://thanksobamacare.org/ 

here is link to excellent video  http://tinyurl.com/3mh4al2

9)      Very useful summary of all the preventive services provided to medicare benes
From Medicare: The New Health Care Law and You

10)      Good set of summaries of health reform laws

For a more complete list of my most useful blogs, see http://tinyurl.com/6u642th

Friday, July 13, 2012

A judge's dangerous letter on health care and an email gone viral


A friend of mine just sent me a letter from Judge David Kithil.  His letter was circulated in January, 2011 but is making the rounds again very extensively in a number of churches.  The fact checker's article refutes the judge quite vigorously and needs to be spread quite widely.

DCCC: We're winning on health care


I hope they are right.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Celebration of Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare and Phonebank - 7/17

The Greater Silver Spring Democratic Club

Come join us as we celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision on
Obamacare and make phonecalls to supporters. Please bring cell phones and chargers. Please let me know if you are willing to make calls to invite supporters to attend. 
SPECIAL GUEST:  Vinny DeMarco, President, Maryland Health Care for All
                             Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
                             Time: 7:00 – 10:00 pm.
Place:   Obama for America Maryland State Office  
3750 University Blvd. West, Suite 303,
Kensington, MD 20895
Co-Sponsored with
District 14 Democratic Club
Montgomery County Young Democrats
Woman's Suburban Democratic Club
Please consider cosponsoring this event.
For more information, please contact Tony Hausner at
thausner@gmail.com, 301-587-6943
Please sign up at the following link:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Post Editorial by Sebelius: The Affordable Care Act has made the U.S. health-care system stronger


Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of HHS provides an excellent editorial refuting Republican claims that obamacare drives up costs.  She shows the opposite on overall costs, small businesses costs, and impact on Medicare beneficiaries. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Alliance for Health Reform Session/KFF: Health Care After the Supreme Court Decision: What's Next?


this is a link to session held yesterday.  Looks like it was a great program. 


see this link for more info, etc on program.

this set of slides has useful material

a webcast of the session can be found at http://www.kff.org/ahr070912.cfm

alliance provides many worthwhile programs

Friday, July 6, 2012

Celebration of Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare and Phonebank - 7/17

The Greater Silver Spring Democratic Club

Come join us as we celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision on
Obamacare and make phonecalls to supporters. Please bring cell phones and chargers.
SPECIAL GUEST:  Vinny DeMarco, President, Maryland Health Care for All
                             Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
                             Time: 7:00 – 10:00 pm.
Place:   Obama for America Maryland State Office  
3750 University Blvd. West, Suite 303,
Kensington, MD 20895
Co-Sponsored with
District 14 Democratic Club
Montgomery County Young Democrats
Woman's Suburban Democratic Club
Please consider cosponsoring this event.
For more information, please contact Tony Hausner at
thausner@gmail.com, 301-587-6943
Please sign up at the following link:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Poll results to court decision and celebration party

here are 3 poll results and a useful article

1) Young folks don't know about court decision. 


 2) Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Early Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on the ACA

Positive reaction to court decision. 


3) here is another poll with results in court rx.  


4) on another vein, here is a useful article

Mass. health law may bode well for federal law 


5) On another front, I am working with Obama for America in organizing a party to celebrate the supreme court decision on obamacare.  Please contact me if interested in helping to organize.  For those so inclined, prior to the start of the party, we will make calls re obamacare. 

Kaiser health reform quiz


this is outstanding, from the same folks that previously provided the Medicare quiz a few months ago.  Please spread very widely