1) Various proposals on Medicare as to deficit reduction
2) My thoughts on strategic planning on health reform
1) Deficit reduction
here are several reports that contain proposals from various organizations on Medicare's possible role in deficit reduction.
a) see
b) center for american progress
Real Help for Medicare and the Deficit
e) Kaiser Family Foundation: Policy Options to Sustain Medicare for the Future
this has many useful options considered, not all of which would I recommend.
f) Any others?
Please let me know which options you support.
2) Strategic Plan
here are my thoughts on an overall strategy going forward re health reforma) Communications plan
what mystifies me are findings by American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (acscan) and focus groups that show that when explained the public supports Obamacare. [see Polling: Public Wants States to Use Federal Funds to Cover Uninsured Through Medicaid
http://www.acscan.org/content/media-center/medicaid-poll/this is an important article that shows that given the right info the public supports provisions of obamacare.]
Yet we have not done more to communicate with the public. The herndon alliance and HHS have certainly tried but the key players in the field, the white house, congress, and other key orgs have not done enough. I think acscan's findings need wide exposure. I welcome thoughts about how to engage more of these key players. My guess is the white house felt it was better not to pay too much attention to the issue during the campaign. Obama did discuss some of the key points in Obamacare and did address medicare to some extent. perhaps in 2014, press about those provisions being implemented will get more attention which will help. I hope that someone will develop a strategic plan on how to get the most mileage from the 2014 changes which start taking place when the HIEs start to promote their programs probably sometime before october. see my posting about this