Sunday, November 30, 2014

1/2 million enroll in 1st week; Lawsuits +

 Obamacare Sign-Ups Near 500,000 After First Week
About 50% new and 50% re-enrollees.  

1 Million Applied for Health Insurance in Federal Marketplace in First Week of Enrollment  Administration Warns Employers: Don’t Dump Sick Workers From Plans Illegal Immigrants Could Receive Social Security, Medicare under Obama Action Do  not like the term illegal. 

Turning 21? Here’s How To Avoid A Big Hike In Health Insurance Premiums

The Next Court Challenge to the Affordable Care Act's Future
This is the case before the Supreme Court.  Can taxes apply to the Federally run exchanges or only the State run exchanges.

Suit on Health Law Puts Focus on Funding Powers
This is the case where the the Republicans are suing the President for spending funds which were not authorized. Pear suggests that the Republicans might have a case but that the Courts may not get involved.

Chuck Schumer Joins Criticism Chorus  Not sure why Schumer is criticizing now. What is the point.  This just undermines the party and the President.  Does it get him or the party anywhere?

Obamacare, Coming to a Mall Near You

New Kaiser Tool Calculates By Locality the Share of Potential ACA Federal Marketplace Enrollees That Signed Up for 2014 Plans  Only applies to those in the Federal exchange 

The New Yorker: How 3-D Printing Is Changing Medicine 

Montgomery County HHS is hosting an major enrollment event:  Saturday, December 6,  9 am – 3 pm,  Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veterans Plaza, 9-3:30 p.m. More on this later. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Maryland has a good start; International comparisons poor +

Maryland health exchange tops 25,000 enrollments in first week

Volunteers needed to help with enrollment.  More data here

Maryland Health Connection: Countdown to Health Coverage (Webinar)  On 12/3, 2-3 p.m. This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of the benefits and requirements for Marylanders seeking health coverage, as well as what your organization can do to make sure they get the coverage they need.

11-Nation Survey: Older Adults in U.S. Sickest, Most Likely to Have Problems Paying for Care

When Health Coverage Expansion Means Longer Waits for a Doctor   The authors argue that there are solutions.  

Medicare’s Public Release of Physician Payment Information  This article talks about the pluses and minuses of this data set.  Lots of potential uses, but more work needed.  



Burwell Soliciting Ideas for ‘Increased Transparency’ at HHS 

Kaiser Health News: Obama Officials Seek To Clarify Abortion Coverage Rules 

Congress Weighs Efforts To Cut Generic Drug CostsGAO Raises Concerns About Spending On New Medicare Programs  



Friday, November 21, 2014

Immigrants Access To Health Care

Immigrants Here Illegally Will Not Get Access To Health Law But May Get Other Coverage

Poll: Partisans Expect ACA Debate to Continue, Though Public Splintered Over What Congress Should Do
 Many uninsured say that they cannot afford ACA plans.

Risk Stratification to Inform Care Management for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees: State Strategies

Consumer Reports' ACA Resources
Several useful resources, including on taxes.

Alliance for Health Reform Briefing: Health Insurance Marketplaces, Round II: Results and Expectations


  • If the Supreme Court ACA ruling invalidates subsidies, many could lose access to coverage, not only low-income individuals, said Timothy Jost. However, he added, those with subsidies before the ruling should be able to keep them for the year.
  • Premiums and deductibles will vary by state for 2015, said Sara Collins. She noted that they fell in Colorado, but increased in Minnesota. And, said Timothy Jost, today's second lowest silver plan may not be the same as it was last year, so consumers should shop around.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $60 million in navigator grants to 90 organizations for 2015 in an effort to help consumers find the best health plans for them, said Meena Seshamani.
  • Underlying factors impacting premiums include provider consolidation and high-priced prescription drugs, said Dan Durham. States with more market competition have lower premiums, he added.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Selling of Obamacare 2.0

The Selling of Obamacare 2.0 

Maryland health exchange ready for signups, official says
Hope their system works better this time.  I did checkout their site and it seems ok, but that is not entering data yet.  As you may know, you can enroll via the call center starting 11/15, and enroll online on 11/19, with interim steps in between.  
Too High a Price: Out-of-Pocket Health Care Costs in the United States

Obamacare premiums are falling by 0.2% across 48 major cities

New Doctors Site Rates for Experience, Quality

Millions Of Medicaid Kids Missing Regular Checkups Re-Enrollment Could Lead To Pocketbook Surprises For Consumers This article covers a variety of topics in addition to the suggested title.