Thursday, April 2, 2015

ACA misunderstandings increase; ACA Future

Please note that I plan to blog only occasionally in the future as I need to consolidate my responsibilities.

Obamacare Is 5 Years Old, and Americans Are Still Worried About Death Panels

This article indicates that the public has even a greater misunderstanding of the ACA than they did 5 years ago. Very frustrating.

Five years old, going on ten: The future of the Affordable Care Act

Henry Aaron of Brookings speculates on the future of the ACA.  Some sounds good.

Gingrich: GOP Really Doesn’t Want to Repeal Obamacare

This is both encouraging and scary.  Newt predicts the Republicans now want to achieve bipartisan legislation such as improve upon the ACA. The good news is that we may make progress. The bad news is that the public may like what the Republicans are doing and give them a stronger vote in 2016 which could lead to undermining the ACA and other laws that I support.

Some Changes in Store for 2016 Health Plans That Affect Consumers

There will be several changes in the next open season currently scheduled for 11/15 - 2/16.  Such as Access to Formulary and Provider Directory and Information about Marketplace Quality and Coverage. 

Many People Entitled to Hefty Subsidies Still Opt Against Coverage


How Much Does Cancer Cost Us?

Research Plan Could Drive 'Culture Change' In How Mental Illness Is Diagnosed, Treated

High Court Rejects Challenge To Health Law's Cost-Cutting Panel

Health Spending Explorer on the Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker