Saturday, April 8, 2017

My Community and Professional Accomplishments

1) Past and Founding Chair of Safe Silver Spring, 2009-2016. See for a list of our accomplishments.  2) American Association of Individual Investors: Chair, Chapter Leaders Executive Committee; Program Co-chair and Past President, DC Metro Chapter.  3) Spent 40 years as a community activist and 35 years professionally in human services, mainly with the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  Here is a summary of my community and professional activities during this time period:

CBPP: House ACA Repeal Bill Would Be Largest Robin-Hood-in-Reverse Transfer in Modern U.S. History

House ACA Repeal Bill Would Be Largest Robin-Hood-in-Reverse Transfer in Modern U.S. History

​I highly respect Bob Greenstein. He is a top analyst in the field.  I suggest this be shared widely. I did not realize the magnitude of this policy change.  This is a big deal in my opinion.  

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Accomplishments for Safe Silver Spring 2009-2016

In 2016, we successfully supported increases in County resources to address gangs, and revisions in county deportation policies.  We also successfully supported legislation on body cameras, and criminal justice reforms.
       In 2015, we supported successful passage in the Maryland Assembly of police body camera legislation, a domestic violence bill dealing with dating relations, and the Second Chance Act which passed the legislature but the Governor vetoed. 
       In 2014, we supported successful passage of several domestic violence bills, marijuana decriminalization, a county ban the box bill, and restoration to a full complement of School Resource Officers.  
       In 2013, we helped Gov. Martin O’Malley pass the most sweeping gun safety bill in the country while continuing our efforts in Montgomery County to expand the police force and provide youths with alternatives to crime.
       Councilmember Ervin initiated several truancy efforts, including a Truancy Court Pilot Program now expanded to 8 middle schools in this county.
       The Commonweal Foundation funded a summer program for low income youth in Long Branch that included academic and sports programs
       The Police Department initiated the  “Safe City” program in Downtown Silver Spring which includes greater communications between police and businesses and as well as greater use of information from videocameras. 
       In previous years, the Maryland assembly enacted several bills that Safe Silver Spring had supported, including domestic violence, nuisance abatement, and Safe Schools Act.
       The County Executive reformulated the Youth Advisory Councils to have more of a voice in youth programs.

       Established a partnership with 3rd District Police Division and working relations with many organizations.