Monday, March 28, 2011

Tape of CBS Radio Interview with Tony Hausner on Health Reform at the 1st anniverary and Safe Silver Spring

You can now listen to the audiotapes of the show this morning

go to

on right hand side, where it says listen to past shows, see march 28, segments 3 and 4.

Please let me know what you think.  I was very impressed with the hosts, guled kassim and mumim barve.  Lots of good questions and comments.

I can supply copies of those tapes, the mp3 files, if anyone wants.   If need be, can also produce a written transcript, but would need a couple of days for that.  One portion didn't get to discuss was a couple of personal stories of folks that have been helped. Supposed to be an important part of messaging, but ran out of time on that.

1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure having you on the show Tony. Thank you very much for educating me and our listeners
