Saturday, December 7, 2013

Successful Silver Spring enrollment fair today

We had about 60 persons come to enroll. Only 3 the previous week. Some could not wait and pre-registered for next week.  There are fairs on 12/14 and 12/21 in 5 locations in the Capital Region.  Mark Ferrenz and I were volunteers helping sign folks in, etc.  There were 5 navigators, 2-3 assisters, an IT person, and Mary Anderson from HHS press office.  Unfortunately, the computers froze shortly after the session started.  However, the navigators worked with folks on filling out the paper applications and advised on plan options.  Press were there from Wall St Journal, Bloomberg News, and Channel 9.  The D20 team paid for lunch for staff and promoted the event.  All in all very good event despite the problems. I hope we can provide volunteers for next two weekends at several sites.

I shared morse's site with the folks waiting and several found very useful.  As indicated, the capital region staff have found it very useful.

Hope my emails to 10,000 individuals helped with turnout

 Here are photos taken by Ed Kimmel
 Ed Kimmel's photos


  1. 120913 In today's blog, I posted photos that I took from the enrollment fair
