Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Investment implications of the ACA - expanded

I welcome comments on this material.  Please feel free to share with others. 

1) Here are two sets of slides in which I made presentations to  AAII DC Metro sipsig group on 1) The Investment Implications of the ACA. 2) Key investment decisions.

AAII DC Metro Sipsig ACA Slides

AAII DC Metro Sipsig Investment Strategy Slides

2) Radio Show: Investment Implications of the ACA
This is a blog entry in which I post material from the radio show I did last July on this topic as well as Key investment decisions. There are more details about my thoughts re the investment implications of the ACA on this blog entry. 

3) Here are new links to the two radio shows
Obama Affordable Care Act and Investments with Tony Hausner

Financial Planning Process and Investment Allocation Strategy

4) Here is recent material that has more insights on investment issues.

Here’s exactly how the United States spends $2.9 trillion on health care

Alliance Health Reform: Digital Health   
This program talks about digital health and some of the leading companies in this area. 

1 comment:

  1. See also Pharma, Biotech Stocks Avoid Much Of Early New Year's Malaise
