Tuesday, October 8, 2013

1) Jon Stewart is a big disappointment. 2) Washington State Success, + more

1) Jon Stewart Grills Sebelius on Obamacare: ‘Level of Incompetence That’s Larger Than What It Should Be


I am very disappointed with jon stewart last night. His criticisms of HHS are food for the republicans and based on weak arguments and to top if off he implied that sebelius lied.  Or am I missing the boat and he is setting republicans up.  I do not think so but never certain. What do you think. 

 2) Washington State successes
Here’s what Obamacare looks like when it works wapo.st/17jSfoM

We've had 9,452 enrollments since Oct 1! 10,000 additional have completed applications but haven't submitted payment. 837k site visits.


How faith-based providers are working to expand access to health care through the Affordable Care Act ampr.gs/1hz8mo7

Want to help w/outreach but not sure where to start? New blog post full of action steps you can take: gtcvrd.am/19elU7F

Some food for thought but need to suggest priorities.


The first-ever health system performance scorecard focusing on low-income Americans has one overriding message: where you live matters. Visit our interactive map for state-by-state comparisons of the #healthcare experiences of the 39% of Americans earning less than twice the federal poverty level.

Interactive Map: http://datacenter.commonwealthfund.org/#ind=60/sc=47
http://t.co/fnwGtPmnAh your thoughts on this
Right-Wing Truckers Plan To Jam DC’s Major Commuter Highway, Arrest Members Of Congress


Tell Congress to do its job


Hospitals and insurers struggle to reduce costs by patients dubbed “super-utilizers”

Article in today's post health section.  Good review but does not mention a key study: "The Hot Spotters" by Atul Gawande in the New Yorker.  http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/01/24/110124fa_fact_gawande

I discussed Gawande's work previously on my blog.


  1. Tony, you probably do not see any issue with your statement on Jon Stewart, who I do not watch. You are judging his comments based on: "is it bad for the Democrats, or is it good for the Republicans".
    This is what is wrong in today's America. The question should be is it good for American citizens? Is it good for the future of America?
    I hope it will not be too late by the time you and others realize this.

  2. Thanks for the comment. Since I think the ACA is a major step forward for the country, I think his attacks were not in the interest of all.
