Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tracking the Progress of the Health Exchanges; Enrollment in Maryland Health Connection; +

Today's NYT online edition had this article:  Tracking the Progress of the Health Exchanges
Looks like good progress. 

For your information, I created an online account on 10/26 Saturday afternoon. I needed some help from the call center 855-642-8572. However, it went fairly smoothly. My main problem is I did not realize there were more than 4 options to some of the questions. For now, I recommend that folks create an online account via the website and then use the call center for the other steps. The call center can enter data fairly easily into the system, while the in person navigators cannot.

3) Kliff Notes: Obamacare website's 3 problems
If you have 2 minutes, I will explain Obamacare's tech woes to you. Really.

4) 2m
RT : A new report shows that the will save $190B over the next 10 years:

5)  Saturday Night Live takes on the Obamacare website launch with 's troubleshooting tips

6) I may update this later in the day, so check back by 9 p.m.

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