Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Reaction to Insurance Company Letters Cancelling Insurance Plans +

1) Reaction to Insurance Company letters cancelling Insurance Plans

Here are some thoughts and articles:

A well written editorial

  •   Here are some of my notes from the hearing
    • Many individuals change every year
    • Plans want to keep as many of their current insured as possible which is why they used some scare tactics.  On Sunday's Meet the Press, the President of Florida Blue Cross agreed that the new plans would be much better.
    • Individuals will get many more options than before and in many cases lower costs especially when tax credits are taken in account and they will get better plans.
    • Further it was mentioned at the hearing that many of the advantages of ACA include no pre-exisiting conditions, no limits, wider range of benefits, etc. 
    • Insurance companies can keep their current policies, but most chose to change to the new requirements. 
 Hopefully, the press will capture these points.

Here is the first article, maybe more later

From KFF

Sebelius Says Problems Are Her Responsibility

COMPLETE VIDEO: Secretary () testifies on Health Care Implementation

October 30, 2013
The Uproar Over Insurance ‘Cancellation’ Letters

LATimes: Another Obamacare horror story debunked 

2)  How the Medicare Part D Rollout Was the Same — and Different — From the ACA

3)   Minnesota Marketplace's Latino Outreach Events Get Off To A Slow Start 

4)  Delaying the Individual Mandate Would Result in Millions More Uninsured and Higher Premiums

From one of the organizations I most respect CBPP. 

1 comment:

  1. I have updated this a couple of times and may do so later.
