Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Updated package on health reform for OFA-MD

as part of my efforts to organize material  for OFA, here is my latest package. OFA is Organizing for America, Obama's grass roots campaign.  This list builds upon a previous package, but includes new material, including my radio interview. It includes videos of personal stories.  see me for a word file with an outline of my cbs radio interview.  at

the purpose of this package is to permit ofa-md to develop a training package to be used to train the health team to conduct elevator talks on the phone, canvassing, etc.

A primer on health-care ‘exchanges’

A primer on health-care ‘exchanges’  a good explanation of what they are



Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Commonwealth Quality newsletter

a number of good articles in this issue.  recommend issue and subscribing.  

Celebrating One Year of Health Care Rights: Several Personal Stories

here is a project from families usa which presents 7 personal stories of folks and businesses helped by ACA.

Request for ideas from CMS innovation center

CMS is looking for ideas to  improve the medicare and medicaid programs. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tape of CBS Radio Interview with Tony Hausner on Health Reform at the 1st anniverary and Safe Silver Spring

You can now listen to the audiotapes of the show this morning

go to

on right hand side, where it says listen to past shows, see march 28, segments 3 and 4.

Please let me know what you think.  I was very impressed with the hosts, guled kassim and mumim barve.  Lots of good questions and comments.

I can supply copies of those tapes, the mp3 files, if anyone wants.   If need be, can also produce a written transcript, but would need a couple of days for that.  One portion didn't get to discuss was a couple of personal stories of folks that have been helped. Supposed to be an important part of messaging, but ran out of time on that.

US healthcare reform helping businesses -govt data

discusses positive and negative impacts on businesses

here is another article that talks about some downsides to business.

aca 1 yr anniversary in baltimore

more on wednesday's celebration in baltimore.

here are details on an event thursday in baltimore.

The State of Children's Health, Care and Coverage

WHEN: Monday, April 4, 12:15 PM to 2:00 PM (Lunch available at noon)
WHERE: Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building
RSVP: By 5 p.m. Thursday, March 31

This is an excellent set of programs from the Alliance for Health Reform.  

Join their mailing list

CBS radio show, economic impact

Would like feedback from those who heard show. Guled Kassim called me today after the show and said he was very pleased. I know I was.  He and Mumim asked some very good questions. They also added some very good thoughts. Guled emphasized in our phonecall that we need to tell more of the economic story and its impact on business.

Recording of show will be on the web either tonight or tomorrow morning.  See

I know some folks at OFA were quite pleased with show.  I look forward to working with some new team leaders for our health reform team in OFA-MD.   

Re business impact, here is an article from today's commonwealthfund newsletter.

latest from herndon alliance

here is an email from herndon 

Communications Tips, March 27, 2011: Moving Forward: New Resources

On Skeptical Audiences

Several groups have requested resources to help move skeptical audiences toward support of reform. See our Communications Tips to Use With Skeptical Audiences for our advice.

Communications Tips for Moving Forward

On March 14, POLITICO posted an important piece by Secretary Sebelius. See how Herndon Alliance breaks down her words, which provide a communications template for national and state groups: Moving Forward: A Communications Template. The big picture: new protections, greater freedoms, and lower costs.

Latest Information and Research

Communications Tips to Use With Skeptical Audiences:

Moving Forward: A Communications Template:

Competitive Health Marketplace:

Coordinated Patient Care:
Quality Care Pricing:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Health Reform Subsidy Calculator

Kaiser FF provides a calculator to determine insurance costs.

This tool illustrates premiums and government assistance in 2014. Tax credits will be available for people under age 65 thru the health exchanges (marketplaces). The tool allows the user to examine different income levels, ages, family sizes, and regional costs. 

GAO report on the individual mandate

here is a link to the report summary issued on 2/25/11.  it examines options if the supreme court strikes down the mandate.  requested by sen. ben nelson.  it points out that options are not desirable but feasible.
here is title of report

Private Health Insurance Coverage: Expert Views on Approaches to Encourage Voluntary Enrollment

here is one article that indicates nelson is not abandoning the mandate

 here is a nice summary of gao report from the Hill.

Friday, March 25, 2011

CBS Radio Interview with Tony Hausner on Health Reform at the 1st anniverary and Safe Silver Spring

I participate in a radio interview on CBS Local Radio Station 1580 9 a.m.   - 10 a.m., Monday, 3/28.  I talk about health care reform from 9:30 to almost the end, and talk briefly about Safe Silver Spring near the end.  This past Wednesday was the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act.

You can listen  either on the radio station 1580  or on the web at the above link. 

This interview was taped on Friday, 3/25. 

You can also listen to the show at

the host of the show.  Either live or he will post shortly afterwards.

I have the mp3 files if anyone wants.

I was impressed with Guled's handling of the show, with his sidekick for today Mumin Barre, and to Sam, the technician.  All were great to work with.  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Health Reform's Protections for Americans with Disabilities

Commonwealth fund Report

ACA 1st yr anniversary, baltimore community college, and other news

photos can be found here of the celebration in Baltimore.  There was a rally and a health fair. About 150 persons attended.

Speakers included Congressman Elijah Cummings, Secretary Sharfstein, Kent McKinney, Carolane Williams, and others.  There were also several workshops during the afternoon. 

videos can be found here.

the first is of Congressman Cummings

 the second is of a young woman with a medical condition who got covered by her parent's insurance.

Congressman Cummings was very impressive.   Had a chance to speak with him briefly and he shares my concern that not enough is being done to sell health reform.

On another note, here is an interesting article from the white house on ACA benefits to women.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary to the Affordable Care Act

Happy 1st anniversary to the Affordable Care Act. May it have a long and healthy life. Please join me in Baltimore to celebrate this afternoon.
For event details, see

Monday, March 21, 2011

Protect your care web site - very useful stories; Upcoming Radio Interview.

The following web site is highly recommended.

 this site provides four stories about folks that have benefited from the ACA.  This is very timely as it is in time for the first anniversary of the ACA.  This site is put together by a leading team from the White House, Paul Tewes.

for information about 1 year anniversary rally. 

Also, I will be interviewed on the radio next Monday, 3/28, 9:00 -  10:00 a.m.,  am station 1580 or go to our site ( and click on listen live.  The host is Guled Kassim.  This is tied in with the 1 year anniversary of ACA. The interview will be recorded on Friday 3/25. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

summary of key benefits

from progressive md

the law is already benefiting most Americans:
  • Children can stay on their parents' health coverage until they turn 26
  • Insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions or cancel coverage because a person has been treated in the past
  • Insurers must now pay for preventive care even if you haven't paid your full deductible, and they can no longer put a lifetime benefit limit on your coverage or cancel your plan if you get sick
  • All insurance plans must now report how much of your premiums they spend on care and provide you rebates if they spend too much on profits
  • Seniors who fall into the Medicare prescription drug "doughnut hole" get $250 toward costs
  • Small businesses get a 35% tax credit to help pay for employees' coverage.
Additional benefits and savings in 2014, when the law is fully in place:

  • Insurance companies won't be able to deny anyone coverage for pre-existing coverage or place limits on annual or lifetime payments for covered benefits
  • People who don't get health coverage at work will choose among health insurance plans in a new marketplace, with the amount they pay set by a sliding scale to make it affordable
  • Members of Congress will get the same choices as all of us
  • The Medicare drug doughnut hole will continue to shrink until totally eliminated.

affordable care act anniversary 3/23

in baltimore in afternoon.  we need to ensure that this bill is not repealed in 2012

New and Noteworthy March Health Tracking Poll Reports Americans Remain Divided and Confused about Health Reform Law a Year After Its Passage

some interesting additional details in this survey

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

health reform quiz
Take our short, 10-question quiz to test your knowledge of the law, and then find out how you compare to the rest of the country, as represented by the findings of the Kaiser Family Foundation's monthly Health Tracking Poll. this is a very useful survey

Thursday, March 10, 2011

herndon alliance

will provide training materials related to health reform.  How to sell it.  more to come. 

Is your hospital market a big spender?

Is your market a big spender? Compare with @ chart based on new data

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Much Will Federal Health Law Cost States? Depends Whom You Ask

 from NPR blog

Congressional committees estimate that ACA will result in $118 billion in additional costs to State Medicaid programs through 2023, while CBPP says $60 billion or only a 2.6% more.  CBPP says the congressional estimate does not look at savings from ACA to the program. I have a great deal of respect for CBPP. 


for more detailed comments from cbpp

How Health Plans Achieve High Quality at Low Cost

Here are the key factors to successful phyisican performance in a plan:

building a physician–plan partnership, establishing the plan as a resource for physician practices, providing physician quality and cost data on performance, and emphasizing a local area orientation

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stakeholder Groups Launch Site Explaining Health Care Law Benefits:

Stakeholder Groups Launch Site Explaining Health Care Law Benefits
By CQ Staff
Sponsored by the American Medical Association, the Catholic Health Association, the National Community Pharmacists Association and five other groups have launched a website promising easy-to-understand information on the measure. The other groups are AARP, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American College of Physicians, and the American Nurses Association.
This looks like it has some good material. have not evaluated it enough yet to determine how useful. I still like herndon alliance site as adding most useful material, but more might need to be done with that as well.

Summary of material prepared for Organizing for America Maryland

I am working as a volunteer for Organizing for America Maryland/Montgomery County.  OFA/MoCo has created a number of strategy teams including a health reform team.  As part of the team's planning, I have put together the following list of materials, much of it comes from earlier postings to this blog. 

1) here is some key material from herndon alliance

look over the entire site.  I will see what I can do to get some training from them

2) here are some postings on my blog

a) timeline

Sunday, March 28, 2010

timeline, etc

for a good timeline of what happens when, go to

b) useful summaries


ii) this month I have several sources for good material on summaries of the bill

here is perhaps the best summary of sources

my best source is time magazine article, also kaiser, consumer reports, and health (that site ahs a great deal of useful material, but it maybe too much for our purpose)

here is another source that came out later

iii) this link takes you to wash post article which is excellent and to the book

iv) here are a couple of good sources on budget implications for federal government and nation as a whole

feds (from cbo)

v) nation (from commonwealth fund)

vi) great article on comprehensive approach to health care including social work approaches.

3) some very useful newsletters include kaiser health news and commonwealth fund newsletter (

4) here is my blog