This package was put together for the Obamacare party on 7/17/12. It is an updated summary of the law and list of top sources. Videos and photos will be posted soon from the party and phonebank.
A Very
Brief Summary of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (also known as Obamacare)
in 2011,
Children could stay on their parents
insurance plan until the age of 26.
Children could not be denied health
insurance coverage.
Seniors had expanded preventive
Seniors who had Medicare prescription
drug plans had reduced drug costs
Small businesses gained a 35% tax
credit to cover employees
· 32 million will have health insurance who currently do not*
(*very important)
· Adults cannot be denied health insurance coverage.
Women no longer can be charged
higher premiums than men nor dropped for pregnancy.
The only individuals who will pay a
tax are those who refuse to buy health insurance but can afford to pay. This reduces the costs for the rest of us. This is like auto insurance.
2019, the prescription drug donut hole will be eliminated for Seniors.
The Following Myths are False
The Affordable Care is not a Federal
government run program as it will expand access to private insurance.
The non partisan Congressional
Budget Office says the Affordable Care Act will reduce the deficit.
There are no death panels, and the
Federal government is not paying for any abortion services.
For a more detailed summary, go to
List of my most useful Blogs
health reform quiz
myths of the individual mandate Politico by JOANNE KENEN
Time Magazine summary of Supreme
Court Decision
here is link to excellent video
Very useful summary of all the
preventive services provided to medicare benes
Medicare: The New Health Care Law and You
Good set of summaries of health
reform laws
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