Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Message to our National and Maryland Health Reform Teams for Obama

please join our National and Maryland Health Care Reform Teams for Obama. These groups will share information on health reform, organize events, convince voters of the need to re-elect President Obama, and related activities.  Please spread the word. 

here is a link to the National Health Reform Team.

here is link to Maryland Health Reform Team 

here is a message I sent to the national team and a similar one to the Maryland team.  Please let me know of any comments on this message. 

National Health Reform Team for Obama
Welcome to all those who have joined this team.  So far 21 of us have joined which is a good start.  I hope you can get others to join.   
   1) Next Steps
There are several steps that I think can be taken to support Obama because of his work on Obamacare [the Affordable Care Act (ACA)]  My understanding is that Obama has embraced the term Obamacare.
·         Encourage folks who support Obamacare to actively volunteer to support Obama and/or Obamacare, by making phonecalls, canvassing, making contributions, posting signs, etc.
·         Convince folks who might be reachable of the advantages of Obamacare.  I have thoughts on this, but welcome suggestions on how to do this. 
Here are a few steps that are more specific along these lines.
·         Send messages to all the folks we know that we think might be interested, encourage them to support health reform and/or Obama.
·         Share key literature with these folks and/or the information sources mentioned below..
·         I have a list of 900 folks in Montgomery County that support Obamacare. We could call that list and encourage them to volunteer to support Obama.  Calls can be made at the Obama office in Kensington or from home. 
·         Identify other organizations and individuals that we could work with

I welcome other suggestions
·         on things we can do,
·         on ways to implement these actions
Please indicate which of the above activities you are willing to be involved   .
2   2)      Information Sources

Here are few ideas on sources of information that you can use to support the above.  I have a blog in which I post a few times per week.  I will send you a few of the most important in the future as we proceed.  These posts are brief and cover some of the most important articles, etc that I have seen lately. 

a  a)      For a recent Celebration of the Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare, I prepared a summary of the law and list of key reference materials which can be found at the following:
At the celebration on 7/17, we first called folks in Montgomery County who were known supporters of Obamacare and asked them to be volunteers for the campaign.  We had almost 30 folks at the party, and made over 200 phone calls in 90 minutes. 
Please let me know your comments on the materials on this blog post, on how to use them, etc.
b  b)      For those who want to keep up with health care news, I highly recommend
it  is a daily newsletter
Another daily newsletter that is quite useful is provided by
write to Pete Van Vranken pvan@gmavt.net  
and ask to be placed on his health care media emailing list.

One of the articles I found as a result of the Herndon news is the following

http://tinyurl.com/cjd927j   Obama embraces health care law after court ruling

          3)  Greater Silver Spring Democratic Club Annual Picnic

For those of you who live in or near Montgomery County, I invite you to this event which will be held on 9/22.  For more details, see http://tinyurl.com/bwpp578

4  4)      Contact

Please feel free to contact me at thausner@gmail.com  301-587-6943.

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