Monday, November 18, 2013

More on Politico article; Marketplace Briefing - 11/22; +

1)  More on Emanuel's Politico Article re Morse's plan finder site 

see previous post on this article  

Your thoughts.  Welcome advice on how to get the White House and the Maryland Health Connection to see Zeke Emanuel's article.  I think Morse's website is extremely useful and easy to use for folks who want to study the different insurance plans in their state, the choices, premiums, subsidies, quality, doctors, etc.  For those states in the Federal exchange and states like Maryland where you cannot see the info until you have completed an application, they could especially use.  Further, not all this info is available for most States. As you may know, Zeke worked in the White House on the Affordable Care Act.

2) Alliance for Health Reform Program. This will be very useful.

Health Insurance Marketplaces: The First 8 Weeks

Briefing Friday, November 22, 2013
Health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, opened October 1, and while states have released some enrollment data, and much of the attention has been on the initial technical challenges, there has been less information about overall consumer experience. Info & Registration See all the excellent speakers.

I cannot attend, so would appreciate any highlights and would like someone to raise attention to Zeke's article mentioned above.
3) Other news
Obamacare is having one huge success nobody knows about

GallupNews (@GallupNews) tweeted at 3:49pm - 18 Nov 13:

Majority in U.S. Say #Healthcare Not Gov't Responsibility...

c) Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) tweeted at 1:14pm - 18 Nov 13:

Six Things the Media Doesn't Understand About Obamacare:

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